What role do Unifor members play in the bargaining process?
Electing union representatives. Members are directly responsible for electing their local union officers as well as bargaining committee representatives. These democratically elected representatives are the voice of the members at the bargaining table.
Submit bargaining proposals and participate in strike votes. Members are encouraged to submit proposed amendments to their collective agreement and expected to vote to authorize (or not authorize) strike action if a negotiated settlement cannot be reached.
Stay informed. The National Union will provide useful and accurate information about bargaining throughout the process, across various channels. The expectation is that members will keep themselves informed and up to date with the information provided.
Support the bargaining committee. Negotiations always prove challenging. But when union members support their elected bargaining committees, it’s a show of strength and solidarity, putting pressure on the employer to bargain a fair deal.
Vote on tentative agreement. If a tentative settlement is reached, it is the members’ right and responsibility to vote for (or against) the proposed agreement. Any new collective agreement must be approved by a majority of voting members. This will happen at a series of ratification meetings at the conclusion of negotiations. Expect more information on the ratification process later.
Participate in strike action, if necessary. If a tentative settlement is not reached, and the union has declared a strike against one of the Detroit Three automakers, it is expected that those members stop work and staff picket lines that will be set up at worksites. Strike action will continue until a final settlement is reached.