Bargaining update #23: General Motors resisting Ford pattern

|October 06, 2023
Auto members,
With just days left before Monday’s deadline, we want to update our GM members on where negotiations currently stand. While there has been movement in local and sub-committee talks, General Motors continues to resist key elements of the pattern agreement. Major issues of contention include GM’s full-time temporary workers classification, the universal health allowance for retirees and future product investment commitments.
Your bargaining committee will continue to bargain throughout the Thanksgiving weekend. Please continue to monitor for further updates.
In solidarity,
Lana Payne, Unifor National President
Jason Gale, Unifor GM Master Bargaining Chair
Trevor Longpre, Unifor GM Master Bargaining Vice-Chair

About Unifor
Unifor is a Canadian union with a modern, inclusive approach to serving members and improving our workplaces and communities.